Jacqui Vear

Posted on 1st July 2020
by Jacqui Vear

Starch mailing services and naked mailing

Let us explain starch mailing…

Starch based mailing wraps are used by The National Trust, who produce the UK’s highest circulation magazine. The product is an eco friendly polywrap, made from the starch in potatoes. It can be placed in home composting or food waste bins and when in contact with micro-organisms it will fully compost in just 10 days. If it does go to landfill, it will biodegrade and leave no visible litter trail.

This innovation doesn’t come with any compromise on product effectiveness. Potato starch polywrap looks like a premium product, it’s strong, with a frosty appearance and is silky to touch. Address and postage details, printed on the contents inside, remain visible.

Let us explain naked mailing…

This approach strips mailings back to a minimalist, au natural format, avoiding any packaging at all! The item, typically a catalogue or magazine is mailed without polywrap and the contact and mailing details are printed on the reverse of the item being sent. Cost savings can be achieved as polywrap and certain fulfilment costs are avoided. The main impact to think about for some is that advertising inserts can’t be contained.

Find out more about starch mailing services

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