Jacqui Vear

Posted on 18th March 2021
by Jacqui Vear

Great vehicle graphics design will drive the impact of your brand

A billboard in the making, or should we say designing…

Most of us spend a lot of time behind the wheel and maybe we’ll soon be close to the pre-pandemic statistic, driving for an average of 20 hours per week. That’s lots of time and traffic in which to absorb vehicle advertising around us.

We’ve always been big fans of taking the opportunity that vehicle graphics presents. Whether you have small car or a fleet of lorries, it’s advertising space there for the taking and its already travelling around the areas in which you do business. The cost per impression is very low compared to other forms of advertising.

Why start your vehicle graphics design project with Systematic?

Well, we’re creatives at heart, for over 20 years our highly skilled team have used graphic design to visually engage the audiences of leading brands. The headline is simple, get the vehicle wrap design right and you’ll maximise their effectiveness in generating leads for you.

Brand consistency is key to a successful vehicle wrap design

‘Instantly recognisable’ is the objective, as your audience will be on the move and may only engage with the design of your vehicle graphics for a few seconds. If they already know about your business, they need to recognise that this is one of your vehicles. Equally, visuals and messaging should be tailored to this unique format of vehicle advertising, which may involve pushing the boundaries of your brand a bit further, making your message as bold and clear as possible. Leave this discretion to our graphic designers, it’s a fine balance to strike.

Visualise your message

The need to communicate clearly and quickly gives you limited scope for text within vehicle graphics design. The brain processes images 60,000 times quicker than text, so you may need new icons or images to convey your key messages. Graphic designers who know your brand can quickly and effectively add to your visual marketing resources.

Full colour and bigger do not necessarily equate to better

It’s creativity that counts! There are a range of options from single colour cut lettering to full vehicle wrap design. The approach that is right for you will be determined by factors that include, how frequently you change vehicles, or adapt your brand messaging, whether the colour of your paintwork is a good brand fit and what your budget is.

The vehicle graphics design image resolution needs to be right

Your logo and associated award or accreditation logos may be presented bigger than you have ever seen them before. You’ll need vectored images for your design, but if you don’t have them we can re-draw logos in the right format, to ensure that they clearly transfer to your graphics. If photographic images are required, we have the option to access and adapt stock imagery for you.

Here are a few vehicle wrap designs we prepared earlier!

Our approach to graphic design support for your vehicle graphics is simple. Quotes are fixed to each brief, there are no hidden extras. You’ll get the proofs and amends you need within our agreed project timescales. You’ll see a range of ideas, applied to templates of your specific vehicles types, we can even impose these onto photographs of the vehicle so you have a clear expectation of the results that will be achieved.

Once your vehicle wrap design is finalised, we can supply artwork in a print-ready format or provide added support by engaging our trusted vehicle livery installation teams on your behalf. We’ll add their contribution to the project and oversee their work, providing you with a fully inclusive service.

Let us know if you’d like to hear more, we’d love to chat!

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