Door drop marketing is a cost-effective way to target households that you’d like to count as your customers and is reportedly used by 80% of the UKs top advertisers. Door drop marketing is the name for unaddressed mail, often a simple flat leaflet but depending on your brief and budget it can be something more creative, such as postcards, vouchers, letters and brochures.
Door drops use no personal data as you target households rather than individuals, so it is inherently GDPR compliant. You can seize this opportunity to send information to a range of households, beyond any database you have, and without securing any consent!
Our service can start with campaign creation; the creative graphic design of your door drops, to ensure it captures the interest of your target audience and drives engagement. To support sustainability, our designs will avoid heavy ink coverage and include messages that support recycling. We’ll ensure the print specification includes sustainable paper stock and minimises waste.
Next, we apply your budget and target audience to sophisticated profiling software, which segments UK households into a set of categories with similar characteristics. You can target a selection of household categories based on their likelihood of matching the criteria of your target audience, such as age, income ranges and location.
Your budget will help to determine the circulation of your door drop marketing campaign, which can range from a few local streets, to national coverage. You can even consider approaching different groups with different messages, making your offer highly relevant to different groups, or simply for the purposes of testing engagement in different styles of messaging.
We’ll ensure that you printed items are delivered directly to Royal Mail in line with the agreed project schedule, leaving you to prepare your team for the new opportunities that follow.
Used well, door drop marketing is impactful and generates a rapid and measurable response, without any duplication of approach. It’s an offline marketing tactic that is often used to generate an online response, as part of an integrated marketing strategy. There are lots of letterboxes out there and we can help you reach them!